How to Become Indistractable (in 2022)

A Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Live Distraction Free Life.

Yugant Nakhawa
3 min readSep 14, 2022
Image Source: Front Shot Focused (Freepik)

Indistractable means doing things that are essential even if you are working in a distracted environment.

It doesn’t mean running away from distractions but to do what is necessary.

Before learning how to become Indistractable? Let’s understand, What is distraction?

What is Distraction?

Image Source: Postponed Concept (Freepik)

Distraction is something that suddenly grabs your attention from whatever you’re doing.

Example: Getting distracted through notifications on smartphones.

Now the opposite of distraction is "Traction" which means doing something which takes your attention back to your work.

But how you actually get distracted. Let’s learn the psychology behind it.

How Do You Get Distracted?



Yugant Nakhawa

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