Got My First 100 Email Subscribers! (How to get Yours!)

Practical Guide with Free Tools and Examples.

Yugant Nakhawa
5 min readJan 28, 2023
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As I said in my previous story, getting more email subscribers on Medium is the most important thing.

Not only on Medium, but the first focus of every successful online business is building an email list.

James Clear has 2 million subscribers, Mark Manson has half a million subscribers and Russell Brunson again has half a million subscribers.

Similarly, there are many examples on the internet who have plenty of subscribers in their email list.

The obvious question is why?

You may have millions of followers on Instagram, millions of subscribers on YouTube and even thousands of followers on Medium. But it is of no use.

You don’t have any access to these followers and subscribers. It is an audience of YouTube, Medium and Facebook.

You’re just working for them in return for money.

Your audience is your email list, not anything else. So it is very crucial to build an email list from today itself.

Now let’s learn how to do it.

Provide Value

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

I know it is very obvious, but still very important.

Create a win-win situation: People will subscribe to you only when they get something in return. Their win must be your win.

Here are a number of things which you can offer to your subscribers:

  1. Ebooks
  2. Digital products
  3. Checklists
  4. Templates
  5. Courses
  6. Cheatsheets
  7. Printables

Most importantly, offer these things for free. No one will pay you in the beginning even if you’ve the best product in the market.

Because there is a gap of trust between you and your audience.

If you provide valuable things for free, then people get an idea of what you can offer in the paid version.

Here is an example of my favorite creator who applied the same strategy.

Easlo: If you ever visited his Gumroad store, then the very first thing you’ll see is Notion Starter Pack, which is a freebie.

The freebie is rated by 3100+ people and Easlo claims that it is downloaded by almost 47000+ people.

Don’t believe me. Here are the screenshots.

Easlo Gumroad Screenshot 1
Easlo Gumroad Screenshot 2

In my case, I’m offering valuable articles for free. Here are screenshots from some of my most liked stories by people:

Author Medium Screenshots

Clear CTA (Call-To-Action)

You may have seen the same message at the end of my each story.

The message is crystal clear with a link attached to it — Join 100+ readers and never miss my new story.

When you click on this link, it redirects you to ( page.

Where I’ve put the same message with a little bit of twist. I added an extra line, i.e. “you can unsubscribe anytime”.

Author Medium Screenshot

It means if you ever don’t find my stories helpful or relatable, you can unsubscribe anytime.

This directly means there is nothing to lose. There is always a win-win situation for your readers.

Ever wondered why creators put a 30-day refund policy? The same strategy applies here.

This is the power of Clear Call-To-Action.

Tools to Build a Newsletter For Free

#1 Substack

I know 50% of people reading this story know about this platform. But there’s no better way to start.

Here’s how you can create a free newsletter on substack. It hardly takes 20–30 minutes to set up everything.

Create a Substack Account >> Create a Publication >> Add subscribers (you can skip this step) >> Select your interests >> Your Substack Newsletter is Live.

Example of Eve Arnold’s Part-time Creator Club Newsletter, which recently completed 4000+ Subscribers on Substack.

#2 Gumroad

Gumroad too offers you a free space to start a newsletter for free.

Here’s how you can set up a newsletter on Gumroad for free.

Example of Niharika Sodhi’s Newsletter on Gumroad. First, she offered a checklist as a freebie.

Niharika Gumroad Screenshot

Then later on, when many people downloaded her checklist. She started a Side Hustle Saturday newsletter there (which too achieved a milestone of 5000+ subscribers).

#3 Medium

Obviously, Medium offers you a space to start a newsletter for free.

Here’s how you can set up everything:

Go to Settings >> Publishing >> Promote email subscriptions >> Customize >> Copy the link and paste wherever you want.

Apply the same strategies here which I shared in the first two points.

Newsletters have a lot of potential today. You can start with these platforms and later on switch to premium ones like ConvertKit, MailChimp, Sendinblue, etc (if you want more modifications).

That’s all for now. If you got some value from my story. Please share your thoughts in the comments. It motivates even more to bring valuable content for free.

Thank you for reading. Have a nice day :)

P.S. Subscribe to my newsletter (It’s free). It contains 100+ daily readers who never miss my new story. Want to become a part of it? Join now.



Yugant Nakhawa

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